MAYA is a Djane and producer from Tehran / Iran.
Since being a child, she went to music school, learned about notes and played the "Santur", a traditional Persian Instrument, which she has now 15 year of experience with.
In 2010, inspired by Virtuanoise's debut album "Hightech Dreams", she started to play Hi-tech music. One year later, MAYA travelled to India, got introduced to many organisers and got more into the surrounding culture of psychedelic trance music.
Although the Iranian law forbids her to officially present her art and vision, she persistently kept playing in the underground music scene. In more recent years she moved to Germany for university education and continued to play in many European and Indian events.
The musical style of MAYA delivers a seriously mad & heavy Hi-tech storm for you ears, which won't let you stop dancing! By 2018, MAYA got into music production and soon released her first track. 2020 After joining the Parvati Workshop, she started "Maywar", a collaboration project with Rawar and later started to work with Kamino Records and working on her debut Album